“They Entered Not”

Psalm 115:12-18

     They entered not into the promised land, because of their lack of faith! The same thing is taking place in the lives of many Christians today! They have applied the blood, by faith, of the Lamb of God over the door of their hearts. God sees the blood, He is satisfied and gives them entrance into heaven eternal.
     Jesus won the victory for us in the wilderness! He resisted the devil, mortified the deeds of the flesh and overcame the world. He did all of that to secure the authority rule over the earth. One day He will he take the scepter and rule with an iron hand. He became qualified to rule, where Lucifer had become disqualified and Adam had been disqualified.
     The Holy Spirit has been sent to get a bride for the Son! He, the Holy Spirit, is searching for Christians who will follow the Son in all three areas of temptation. The three areas are the flesh, the world and the devil. He will give us the victory as we submit to the Holy Spirit. Those who are victorious over these temptations are called “overcomers” and “faithful”.
     The ones who are victorious will be the ones typified by Joshua and Caleb in the Old Testament. They got to enter the promised land!
     The rest will be the unfaithful and non—overcomers! They will be in heaven at large, but will not be in positions of ruling and reigning from the throne room of the 2nd heaven! Only the faithful and overcomers will be invited into the throne room, based on the results of the Judgment Seat of Christ. There will be various positions to be filled and the results of the judgment will determine who will fill them. There are degrees of faithfulness during this life. Our work on earth, during this life, will determine what degree of faithfulness we achieved and what position we will fill.
   The unfaithful were not allowed to enter the promised land, because they were afraid of the giants in the land. Today, Christians are not wrestling against flesh and blood (Ephesians 6:12), but with giants in those three areas of temptation.

     You thought that the pleasures of life were more important than occupying in the job that I had given you.” It’s called outer darkness in some of the gospel accounts, because the Light of the world is inside! They are still in heaven where He is but, in another location.     
     Those who do not exercise the faith to overcome will not be invited into the throne room. They will be left in the darkness on the outside as noted in the parables. Not all Christians are going to rule with Him! They will, however, be in heaven at large.
     The Lord Jesus started His public ministry by preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom (Matthew 4:23). There are not going to be any unsaved in the Kingdom of Heaven, so we are dealing exclusively with the faithful and unfaithful Christians. The parables are part of the Gospel of the Kingdom that He went about in the synagogues and villages preaching!
     The Apostle Paul, after spending an extended period of time, face to face, with the glorified Christ, preached what his private Tutor taught him. He told the Corinthians “that some were going to suffer loss”, but they were saved by the blood of Christ. There will be many saved, but few chosen to enter into the throne room.
     There are temptations all around us – giants! There are many positions being prepared, right now, waiting to be filled in His 1,000 year kingdom! What a disappointment for many Christians to hear the Lord say, ”I had this position prepared for you, but you are not qualified. Go out to another part of heaven where there is weeping and wailing. You’ll have to wait for 1,000 years, until I wipe all tears away.
     Now, back to today’s giants! The victory over the world is “faith”. The victory over the devil is “resist”. The victory over the flesh is “mortify the deeds”. The Holy Spirit lives within us, so that we can be a victor! When Jesus said “it is finished”, He was talking about redemption, being able to be born into the family of God! Your sin nature was forgiven and you were born into God’s family. A few verses later in John’s Gospel, a soldier came to break His legs, but He was already dead. The soldier instead, pierced His side. Water and blood came out. This blood is for the daily dirt (sin) that we gathered daily in our life’s journey. This blood is provision for our forgiveness of daily sins. I John 1:9, “If we confess our sin, He is faithful and just to forgive our sin and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”
     We need to ask God to forgive our sins every day or better, every hour. As the Holy Spirit brings “long-ago sins” to our minds, we need to confess them right then and ask Him to please forgive it! This is not being born again! You were born again when you accepted His shed blood as forgiveness for your sin nature when He was dying. After He said “it is finished”, the soldier came and pierced Him with the spear. Jesus is on the Mercy Seat at the right hand of the Father now. He is your Defense Attorney, making intercession for you as you confess your daily sins.
     There is coming a day when He will get up and come back to meet us in the air. At that time, He will be the Judge, no more mercy! Get it all confessed and forsake it before it’s too late.
     “If we confess our sin, He is faithful and just to forgive our sin and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” I John 1:9
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