What is “the Christian’s prayer of submission”

Once a person has heard the Gospel of Grace and prayed the sinner’s prayer, they are forgiven and on their way to heaven eternal! The blood has been applied – (see the box with the question mark entitled “do you know?”) – and their sins have been removed as far as the “east is from the west”. Psalm 103

Now, that person must find the purpose for which God saved them. They were saved for a purpose! That purpose is to get prepared for the position that God has for them in His 1,000 year kingdom. This life is to qualify for that position! We can fail to qualify and end up, as Peter, weeping bitterly for 1,000 years! Fortunately, for Peter, he repented before it was too late.  Then he did a great qualifying job. In fact he was even able to preview the kingdom on the Mount of Transfiguration before he was martyred.

The person who applies the blood is born again, but then fails to be baptized is going to regret that for 1,000 years according to acts 2:38! They will be in Heaven Eternal, but will be unqualified for the position prepared for them in the Kingdom of Heaven. The qualified will rule over the earth for the thousand year reign with the King of kings! How could a person who has proven to be unfaithful at the judgment seat of Christ be qualified to rule and reign with Him in His kingdom over the earth. I Corinthians 4:2

According to Hebrew 2, faithful overcomers are going to take the place of angels in the 1,000 years age to come. The angels are evidently going to be dispatched to some other sphere in the eternal heaven. The earth was created for man to have dominion over it. After Lucifer was cast out of the third heaven, he ruined the earth. It was not created without form and void as in (Genesis 1:2), but was formed to be inhabited (Isaiah 45: 18). Man has been saved and is to get qualified for his future position of dominion.

Many are called (saved), but few are chosen (overcomers) to fulfill the positions in His kingdom. They are going to Heaven Eternal, but not be allowed in the ruling arena of the kingdom with Him. They will be left outside where there will be weeping and wailing, because they have no wedding garment (righteous works) – Revelation 19:8. They had works that were not according to God’s laws, they were “lawlessness”. Matthew 7:23

     Now, what is God’s purpose for your being saved? What are you doing, or supposed to do, to get qualified for your future position? Will you be found faithful are unfaithful? Will you be “occupying” in your job when He returns? Or…. Will your pound (Luke 19:12) be buried or your talent (Matthew 25:14) – a monetary instrument to be traded for an increase, be wrapped in a napkin.
      Both of the servants were cast out to a place where there was weeping and wailing in heaven, not in hell! We need revival before it’s too late! People get saved to keep from going to hell and Christians need to be revived to keep from being locked out of the throne room of the heavenly kingdom over earth.
     This may be something new to you, but in the first and second century it was common preaching and teaching. That’s why Christians were willing to be martyred. They wanted to rule and reign with the Lord! They didn’t want to be cast out where there was weeping and wailing for a 1,000 years.
     They wanted to be found faithfully occupying when Christ came back from the far country (heaven) with His kingdom. They wanted to be qualified for their position.

To repent of your unfaithfulness, laziness or just plain unconcern, please pray this prayer with real conviction:

     “Dear Lord, please, please forgive me for failing to prepare for the position you chose for me in your kingdom! I have been more concerned about my life and surroundings here and now than preparing for what you have for me in Your kingdom. I am so sorry! I want to be found faithful at the Judgment Seat of Christ! When all of my works are brought to be judged, I pray that they will prove me faithful. I know that my actions are going to be judged, but also my thoughts, words, motives and intentions are going to be brought to light. I pray that You will forgive me for my sin. I know that You have given me Your Holy Spirit to direct me, but I have disobeyed and ignored Him so much. I am so sorry, please, forgive me. I want to prepare to serve with You in Your kingdom, no matter how tough it gets down here. I know that just being able to help You bring this earth back to the condition of Eden will be worth it all. How happy You will be to present it back to Your Father, who is ‘all in all’, in perfect condition.

     Please help me to be strong and courageous in what You have for me to do. In the name of Jesus, Amen.”

We need to be sensitive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Also, we need to be aware of His revealing things to us for which we have not asked forgiveness! As the Holy Spirit reveals, confess it! No matter how many years ago it happened. He died on the cross and shed His blood for us to be born again, but look what happened three or four versus after he said “it is finished”. A soldier came and pierced His side. Out came blood and water! That blood was for the I John 1:9 application for that sin! Redemption was finished, but our daily walk will continue til we die. The Old Testament priest was scrubbed down when he entered the priesthood, but daily his hands & feet got dirty and he was required to wash them as he went in for service. We are daily required to confess our sins to prepare for our service with Him! Get the sin out of your life and try to keep it out, so you will be qualified to hear His “well done”. Confess it while He is on the mercy seat and before He sits on the throne at the Judgment Seat!

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