One of the most exciting places where children love to go is the zoo! Adults love to go there too! I think the following information will help you to answer any skeptic person who challenges you about the Bible. It’s about Noah’s zoo and how all those animals got on the ark.
I grew up on a grade-A dairy farm on route 16 in Charleston, Illinois. I had pets of every description! I could hardly contain myself when hay bailing time came. I would run behind the tractor and mower just waiting for the rabbits to run out. Sometimes we would catch 10 or 15 rabbits of all sizes in one day.
We all had cows, pigs, dogs, cats, and chickens. Any other kind of animal that I could catch, I tried to tame it. The Bible says that every animal of the forest can be tamed. But the Bible also says that the tongue cannot be tamed. That’s found in James 3:5–8.
In the church backyard, we have what the adults call “the church zoo”. The playground is all fenced to keep uninvited thieves from coming in. They used to help themselves to our bananas, figs, oranges, limes, mulberries, tangelos, grapefruit, mangoes, carambolas and other fruits and herbs! Oh, and by the way, it is fenced to keep the children safe. Safe from the parking lot and the eight lanes of traffic in front of the church.
In that yard we have rabbits running loose, peacocks, chickens, Daisy the cat and Opie the possum. The rabbits have been trained to let the children and adults pet/feed them. The peacocks love to be hand fed and the chickens like to be held. Daisy the cat is the guardian of them all.
I came to the conclusion, a long time ago, how Noah got all of those animals in the ark. A few years ago; however, it became very clear indeed.
There was a possum that had been injured in the street in front of the church. I helped her back to health. My granddaughter, Jessie, named her Blossom the possum. She stayed around the church for months. I released her after I had brought her back to health, several weeks later.
One night Jan had fixed some dinner and I was eating it in the backyard. I saw Blossom come up to my chair, so I put some of my food down for her. To my surprise, she wouldn’t eat it. I thought maybe she didn’t like what I put down, so I put something else in front of her. She didn’t like that either. “Picky possum”, I thought. Jan’s not a bad cook! So, in frustration, I just put my entire plate down for her. At that time, I saw five or six little possums come out from under her and start eating my dinner. They were little things, about 2 inches long, the size of a 2 inch hot dog. They were covered with gray and black fur and what a beautiful sight.
After a few minutes, Blossom felt like they had gotten enough to eat and she ordered them to board in her marsupial. “Get in and go to sleep”, she commanded all of them. All of them, but one! That one kept trying to get in, but she wouldn’t let her in. As soon as she nudged the little one away, she took off running up the concrete wall that was covered with vines and was gone. I thought that was strange, because she had never before run from me.
I put the little baby that she left in my shirt pocket. She felt my heart beating and it was dark and warm very much like her mom’s marsupial. I had to go a couple blocks away to PetSmart to get the baby animal kit and some formula for baby kittens. This was a feeding job for Jessie and me for a while. Grandma was not as excited about having a baby “rat” in her house (bedroom) as Jessie and me.
I thought that it was strange that Blossom had brought her babies to a place where a wild animal could be in danger. As I read more information, I discovered what blossom was doing. The mother possum can have up to 15 babies, which will stay in the marsupial until they are a couple months old. She will then take them to designated areas of the forest (is that Miami?) where she feels that they are safe. They can make it on their own skills which she has taught them and she will leave them there. Jessie named this little fur ball Opie. She became such a good little pet! One day I came to my desk and Jessie had gone to sleep on a bench by my desk. Upon a closer look, Opie was also asleep on her chest! Both were sound asleep!! She also liked to sleep in Daisy’s cage that I had made for her. Daisy wanted to stay outside at night, in the back, so she can see all of the nightlife. It was perfect for her and Opie to share her cage at night since they are both nocturnal.
Opie became very friendly with the children and was not afraid of any of us. In fact, when I would go to my favorite place outdoors to read, she would crawl up on my shoulder and lay across the back of my neck and go to sleep.
It has been several years and she still comes around at night. I put a can of cat food in her possum box that I made for her each night. A funny site was when Opie, Roger the rabbit and Daisy the cat all wanted to sit in my lap at the same time. I would whistle for them and when they saw Roger running toward me, they would run to me because they knew Roger was going to jump in my lap and stretch out taking all of the space.
Now, can you think about all of the animals for the ark? I believe, they were just weaned from mom. She would lead them to the place that God had put in her heart. Then they would go where God had made them to instinctively want to go – – in the ark!!!
Noah and his family trained them with the food and everybody lived happily that way for a little over a year.
They grew up and were soon old enough to start their own family. The same time that God told Noah to go out of the ark and replenish the earth, the animals were ready to do the same thing. God’s timing is always right! AND, He will take care of you! Don’t despair! I Peter 5:7 says “casting all your care upon Him for He careth for you”.
Read about the possum!! They make great pets! They don’t have rabies unless they are directly bitten by another animal with rabies. Your house hold dog or cat will also get rabies if they are bitten by a rabid animal and so will you! Some pet stores are now selling them as pets. Things change over time!! Two good examples are the peacock and America.
The early settlers ate peacocks for their big Thanksgiving meal. Later they domesticated the turkey and found that they could feed more people with a turkey than a peacock. They were also able to raise turkeys more easily than peacocks. They both make good pets for the children too!
The second example of changing times is America. In Luke 18:8, Jesus tells us that when He comes back, He will not find (the) faith on the earth. The world is getting so cold and hard spiritually today. Jesus was speaking of a particular faith in that verse. He was talking about faith in His Gospel (Matthew 4:23), “the Gospel of the Kingdom”.
We very seldom hear a message on the Gospel of the Kingdom today! There are several perversions on the kingdom, but that’s not the Gospel of the Kingdom that Jesus preached and taught the apostles and especially the apostle Paul, (Acts 28:31)
(See the article entitled “THE DIFFERENCE IN THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN AND THE HEAVEN ETERNAL” by clicking on the question mark in the box.)
In the first couple centuries, the preachers were very familiar with the Gospel of the Kingdom. They were even persecuted for preaching it. Look up the martyrs of the first centuries and what they preached.
The Gospel of Grace has to be preached first, but then to have proper spiritual growth, the Gospel of the Kingdom needs to be understood. America is full of spiritual babies! They have applied the blood of Christ to their heart’s door by faith, but never understand how to prepare for the position that God has for them in His Kingdom.
They do not understand that there are not going to be lost people in the Kingdom of Heaven. They don’t understand that the weeping and wailing is also in heaven for unfaithful, non-overcomers. That’s for 1,000 years!! Peter went out and wept bitterly when he had denied the Lord. American Christians are denying Him today, big time!! Don’t you think that, after the verdict has been announced at the judgment seat of Christ, there will be bitter weeping for that thousand years? Peter repented and went back and preached at Pentecost, but they won’t have the opportunity to repent. The verdict would have already come down. Please, please Christian, wake up! The apostle Paul says in Acts 20:24-27 that the whole counsel includes the Gospel of the Kingdom, along with the Gospel of Grace. Notice Acts 28:28-31 was what Paul said two years, plus or minus, before Romans 1:15-16. The Gospel of Christ is found in Matt. 4:23.
When I finish reading outside, I have to wake up Opie, take her off my neck and put her in her box or let her run loose.
When the Holy Spirit has finished getting those saved who will make up the bride of Christ and the joint heirs, He will take us to meet the Lord in the air. There will be no time to change anything after that!!!!!
You are now preparing for your position in His Kingdom!! Will you be qualified? If you are, you will be able to enter the throne room in the second heaven to rule and reign with Christ (Messiah) over the earth. If you are not qualified, the door will be shut and you will regret for 1,000 years that you loved “the pleasures of this life” more than being faithful to Him. We are preparing ourselves to do what He has for us to do in His Kingdom. Faithfulness is the key to being an overcomer (Revelation 2 and 3) and hearing him say “WELL DONE”.
Be faithful!! Beware of the door, into the throne room, being closed to you!!
“Many are called (saved) but few are chosen (to rule and reign with Him).
Now, back to Noah! All of those little animals, some not so little, were aware of where they got their food. They were not afraid of humans and they all got along because they were content. The animals, during the millennium, will be fed by a different diet and get along with one another. It will be like a big ‘Noah’s Ark’, wild animals everywhere out in the open view!!
Be faithful in doing what God has given you to do now, so you will be an overcomer and join them in the thousand years with Jesus!